In a groundbreaking achievement, Lembaga Masyarakat Hutan Desa Hutan (LMDH) Mitra Wana Sejahtera, located in Dusun Jabung, Desa Lebak Jabung, Kecamatan Jatirejo, has been honored with the 2022 Environmental Conservation Award in the environmental savior category by Mojokerto Regent on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. This recognition underscores the relentless dedication of LMDH in cultivating sustainable practices and preserving forests, particularly amidst the looming threat of mining activities that pose potential harm to the ecosystem.
Founded by the conscientious residents of Dusun Jabung, LMDH Mitra Wana Sejahtera faced the imminent danger posed by mining activities, specifically the extraction of C-type minerals that could jeopardize the delicate balance of the local ecosystem. To counter this challenge, LMDH initiated a range of activities, including a reforestation program aimed at restoring the greenery of disturbed forests and preventing the exploitation of andesite and sand deposits in Lembah Selo Malang.
As part of their commitment to protect the forest and enhance the well-being of the community, LMDH Mitra Wana Sejahtera actively engaged in advocacy and campaigns against C-type mining activities in their area. Moreover, their primary focus extended to sustainable cultivation practices, including the production of seedlings for forest plants such as kaliandra, jambu mente, and avocado.
Kaliandra, serving not only as a raw material for coal briquettes but also providing benefits as animal feed and supporting bee vegetation, played a crucial role in their cultivation efforts. The cultivation of jambu mente not only contributed to high economic value and increased food security but also positively influenced health and beauty. Similarly, avocado, known for its popularity, offered nutritional benefits for the body and versatility in various processed products.
In addition to their cultivation efforts, LMDH Mitra Wana Sejahtera ventured into developing flagship products such as honey and organizing educational beekeeping tours. The honey produced stemmed from the beekeeping efforts utilizing forest plants as a source of nectar. The beekeeping educational tours provided visitors with a unique learning experience about the world of bees.
Despite their notable achievements, LMDH Mitra Wana Sejahtera still faces challenges, especially in territorial conflicts between village communities and state-owned enterprises (BUMN). The Chairman of LMDH, Ahcmad Yani, expressed the hope of obtaining legal standing related to forest governance or community forest management rights to safeguard their environmental conservation endeavors. They eagerly await responses from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry regarding the submission of the community forest management proposal.
A noteworthy aspect is the significant support provided by the Gabungan Komunitas Pecinta Alam (GAKOPEN), established by the Rector of Universitas Islam Majapahit, DR. H. Rachman Sidharta Arisandi, S.IP., M.Si. Gakopen, representing an academic movement, played a vital role in assisting LMDH Mitra Wana Sejahtera. Their involvement underscored the importance of academia contributing to environmental preservation and enhancing the success of LMDH’s initiatives.
In acknowledging the efforts of LMDH Mitra Wana Sejahtera, Mojokerto Regent, Ikfina Fahmawati, expressed appreciation and emphasized the crucial role of the community in preserving the environment. According to the Regent, the award represents only a small part of the collective collaboration to ensure environmental sustainability and preserve water catchment areas, thereby supporting environmental stability and economic productivity.
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